if you think rocks are not enough, we got stones, pebbles and sand too...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

SPCG Newsletter 22

Hey guyxorz and galzors, this week, I play the role as harbinger for our beloved CG Leader, The Sharon.
SPCG2-ers! This week is COMBINED CG at church!!!
8pm @ L3, Wisma FGA - our very own Pastor ROSE is speaking.
A lil' something from our Rose:
"College people, I will put my head on the line and say that I pray you push all your CG members to come for Friday night because it will be a great message. God will blow us away even more than He has.
God bless you. We love you. We believe in you.
Y'know what... there's just so much more to life than our own lives. If we would allow God to expand us and stretch us, soon what we see as our lives being the whole picture, we'll see that we are actually a significant piece in a jigsaw puzzle that God is putting together. And the whole world is the whole picture.
Let's think bigger. Let's believe bigger.
Not bigger numbers. But bigger impact in lives and through lives.
After all...
"My God is so BIG... so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can-not do... for YOU!" ;p"
See you there. Period!
=) Love Sharon
Yes, that was the exact and accurate message. Or rather, a message within a message within a message. Well, there you have it. This Friday, Church, 8pm, Pastor Rose.
Be there ya. If you don't go, means you don't give face to our Pastor :O Haha, just have a very very very good excuse if you're not going la...
Love & Respect
Jon Lai

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